Thursday, January 5, 2012

Its A New Day

Well I did it, I finally got a light bulb moment and shut down all but one Facebook game. What was I thinking spending all that time going nowhere! Well today I accomplished alot. Took the day to reflect alittle, pack up the last bits of Christmas, do a little house work and then made 10 3" blocks for a small quilt that I found on another blog. I used cival war fabrics and will post a pic. All the while "Little Man"followed me around and slept under the sewing machine. I even took him out for a walk but he ran the whole way home. UGH. I tried some training. He is really good at eating the treats just lacking focus on the job he is supposed to do. I think I need to make him a poster of  a sitting dog so he gets the idea! Ok off to go read my book and enjoy my time away from Facebook. Hugs

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